Yu-Chi Chen

My research interests are to explore 1) what might be involved in phylogenetic lineages differentiation and 2) the molecular basis of phenotypic adaptation to environmental stress.

My PhD project at the EvoGen lab is to study the role of epigenetics in hybrid formation and lineage differentiation using great tit (Parus major) as the model species.

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8787-0700


Previous research experience

In my bachelor, I studied the function of guttation using lady’s-mantle (Alchemilla mollis) and started to explore the genes involved in ionoregulation in embryonic cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis).

For my master studies, I continued my interests in cuttlefish adaptability to examine its physiological responses under ocean acidification.

From 2016-2021, I was a research assistant in Dr. Chih-Ming Hung’s lab and have worked on two research projects: ecological niche evolution in nuthatch and the genomic basis of avian phenotypic convergence.

2023 EvoGen Lab (PI Gossmann).